FemTime Форум

Наталия Трухина - 2010 г.
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Автор:  Виктор Орлов [ 15-03-2010, 18:22 ]
Заголовок сообщения: 

Клип злой. Как ведущим только в бубен не дали?!! :x

P.S. Еще в клипе Анне Мехниной вопрос задали (про "всего два раза чемпионка мира?"). Хороша :oops:

Автор:  RHYS [ 16-03-2010, 17:15 ]
Заголовок сообщения: 

I enjoyed this video and looks quite funny with humour even though i don't uinderstand and speak Russian unforunately:( I like Natalia's voice and in my opionion she is my favourite lady who has worked tremendously hard to make a great physique and i am sure she is a really sweethearted person with great spirit:)) Special one at that:))

Best wishes and lots of good luck for her competing this year, as i am sure she'll be a Pro very soon:)) i keep my fingers crossed for her and have her in my thoughts.


Автор:  Gloower [ 28-03-2010, 14:35 ]
Заголовок сообщения: 

вроде неданее фото..

Автор:  RHYS [ 28-03-2010, 22:51 ]
Заголовок сообщения: 

Hi Glower,

WOW!!! Natalya looks great and thanks for the photo. With time she continues to become more beautiful and has added some nice size:)) in her quest to become the very best, i have nothing but admiration for her. Have a great week and i look forward to seeing much more of this godess:))

Best wishes,

Автор:  RHYS [ 30-03-2010, 21:31 ]
Заголовок сообщения: 

Dear forum members,

Just heard the sad news of the fatalities of those who lost their lives in the Moscow underground Metro and my sincere condolences to those families who lost their loved ones. I just hope Natasha is ok and that she didn't lose any of her dear friends as i do know that there were many students who lost their lives:((

Russia you are in my thoughts and prayers at this moment in time.

God bless and be safe,

Автор:  prudens [ 31-03-2010, 12:54 ]
Заголовок сообщения: 

Natasha is ok, as are other Mscow BB girls we know about.

Автор:  RHYS [ 31-03-2010, 22:36 ]
Заголовок сообщения: 

That's great news prudens, SPASEEBA!!!

Автор:  Tangarra [ 04-04-2010, 20:46 ]
Заголовок сообщения: 

Фото Нечипоренкo Алексея

Автор:  RHYS [ 05-04-2010, 01:22 ]
Заголовок сообщения: 

WOW!!! Those abs are fantastic and what great definition and mass for someone who is only 18. Natalia exudes elegance, beauty and femininity and it's best. I simply can't get enough of this girl, please keeping posting more of this champion, russia you should be proud, you have a real hero in the making:))

Автор:  prudens [ 05-04-2010, 01:24 ]
Заголовок сообщения: 


И где ж Вы такой эксклюзив достаете? :)

Автор:  Gloower [ 08-05-2010, 21:31 ]
Заголовок сообщения: 

А кто нибудь слышал что нибудь про Наташу?... Фотки новые там, соревнования...

Автор:  RHYS [ 09-05-2010, 16:42 ]
Заголовок сообщения: 

During the last three to four weeks i have sent her several messages via e-mail, however, unfortunately i haven't recieved anything back from her. I guess she's probably busy with studying for exams at university and training right now and doesn't get much time to respond: ((

If anyone has some latest photos of her and some videos, that would be nice to see:))

Best wishes,

Автор:  Tangarra [ 09-06-2010, 03:01 ]
Заголовок сообщения: 

Начиная с 4:20 и дальше Наталья вроде бы.

Автор:  prudens [ 12-06-2010, 12:20 ]
Заголовок сообщения: 

Прикольно! :D

Наташе для соревнований придется сильно сушиться! :wink:

P.S. Вполне возможно, это видео-эффект, но там Наташа выглядит настолько крупнее этих... "парней". :triniti: Вполне закономерно! :yes:

Автор:  RHYS [ 22-06-2010, 17:42 ]
Заголовок сообщения: 

Thanks for the clip and Natasha looks stunning having developed a world class physique:))) It's kinda funny to see those guys looking really small when they are standing next to her, however, i'm not surprised:) Good to see she's seems to be having loadsa fun too:))

Nice to know that she is getting some publicity now and hopefully it will open the pathway for her to find endorsments/sponsorship deals with local sports/nutritional companies.

She has my best wishes for the Russian Championships later this year and i'm sure she do real well as she has made some quite remarkable gains:))


Автор:  RHYS [ 01-07-2010, 17:22 ]
Заголовок сообщения: 

Today is Natasha's birthday,

Lets all wish her a wonderful day and hope that this year she will become the youngest ever lady to become a Pro:)) Her dedication and passion for the sport is truely admired and respected and hope we get to see some latest photos and videos:)) I say a prayer and hope all your goals and wishes come true, have a great day Natalya, your the best!:))

Best wishes,

Автор:  Gloower [ 09-07-2010, 20:07 ]
Заголовок сообщения: 

Когда же, когда же...

Автор:  Леха [ 11-07-2010, 20:00 ]
Заголовок сообщения: 

С Натальей я переписывался в Маиле, по поводу соревнований осенью, она сообщила, что еще не определилась, так как в данное время на подгатовку у нее нет денег(((((

Автор:  prudens [ 11-07-2010, 23:27 ]
Заголовок сообщения: 

А че такое Маил?

Да, про деньги - это очень грустно. :( :( Ей нужно больше раскручиваться, сайт делать и т.п. Почему сайта до сих пор нет?! :x :x :x [/i]

Автор:  i386 [ 12-07-2010, 15:17 ]
Заголовок сообщения: 

Наконец-то серьёзные фото!



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