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Two Evenings with Chantal Ughi

Published on March 18, 2010

This was a difficult interview. Chantal Ughi wasn’t anything less than accommodating, however, between a substandard camera, background noise, a cameraman who yelped after being bit by what we hope was a cockroach and me being a chronic low talker and squirming from mosquito attacks…I don’t have much to give you other than a transcribed interview and a cheesy storyboard of stills. I really wanted this to be the first of many video interviews to come, but after multiple takes on two separate nights, I realized, this wasn’t going to happen. I’ll get this right eventually…in the meantime…..this is what I could salvage…

Chantal has twenty five fights, ten of which were in 2008 and twelve in 2009. She just recently won a WMA title on December 23 at MBK, Bangkok ….

LDF – Do you want to tell us a little about it?

CU- Sure, it’s a world title at 63.5 kilos for the World Muay Thai Association and I just accepted this fight on three days notice. My manager called me out of nowhere and asked me if I wanted to fight and I said, “Yeah, why not, I’ll do it, sure” and I was kind of happy because I had a fight two weeks before and I lost. I got cut by an elbow and I wanted another fight before the end of the year and this just came unexpectedly, so I was really happy that I won.

LDF – And the fight before was at the King’s Cup…?

CU – Yeah

LDF – …and in 2008 at the King’s Cup, you won another title….

CU – Yes, it was a WPMF world title last year at the King’s birthday, December 4, 2008 against Carly Giumulli from Australia and it was a very good fight. I won on points and it was at 69 kilos.


LDF – How long have you been doing muay thai for?

CU – I actually started in New York and I did it for about four years, but for the first couple of years, I was just training for fun…for fitness and in the last two years I got interested in fighting and I tried a couple of amateur fights in New York and then one day I didn’t like my life in New York and I wasn’t happy with what I was doing…I was just working to pay the bills and my acting career wasn’t going the way I wanted, so I just decided to leave everything and go to Thailand to be a professional muay thai fighter.

LDF – What gym are you currently fighting out of?

CU – I’m fighting out of Keatkhamtorn.

LDF – When you fight abroad, who are you fighting under?

CU – Actually, I have an Italian manager and trainer, his name is Diego Calzolari of De .

Gym in Milano. He founded Team De Pro, which I am a part of

LDF – Is there anyone you fought that stands out…a favourite fight?

CU – I think my best two fights so far was the WPMF title against the Australian girl…(traffic and men shouting)….she was pretty strong….and the other fight, with Julie Kitchen, she’s a good fighter and we’re about the same size, she’s just a bit taller than me. That was also a very hard fight and I lost…(more shouting, Chantal discussing things I wish I could hear and me interjecting with things I can neither remember nor understand)…

LDF – I remember that fight, and you fought a few weeks previous to that right?

CU – (laughing)…yeah, I know, I do this….yeah, I fought a week before and this other girl from Tiger Muay Thai was supposed to fight Julie, and then for some reason, actually two girls said no, (lots of noise………………)…..

LDF – The other thing I think about you, just from out interaction, which I find interesting, is the fact that you’ve stepped into the ring with guys a few times, haven’t you?

CU – Yeah…

LDF – Now, did you know that ahead of time, or was it one of these, you show up and….?

CU – No…it was kind of a last minute thing. The first time was in Phuket and I was going home and I was supposed to fight a girl and it was like two days before, three days before and they couldn’t find any Thai girls to fight or Falang, and the gym owner was like, “You can fight a boy”, and I’m like.. “What?” He’s like, “Mai bpen rai, mai bpen rai” (No worries)…and I was like, “Okay…” and I really wanted a fight, so I said, “Okay, I’ll do it”, and I don’t know, I only had a few fights in Thailand at that time and it was really hard. He kicked really hard but I ended up winning on points and the other one was in Bangkok. I was supposed to fight with a girl and the day before they told me, “O no, there’s no girl, we’ll find a man” and I said, “A man?”…A man. So I said, “Okay I’m not sure”, but then, I don’t know, I accepted it…

LDF – Do you find it difficult to find fights in Thailand in your weight class?

CU – Sometimes, yeah, especially if you want to fight Thai.

LDF – Do you have any fights coming up; is there anything we can look forward to from you?

CU – Yeah, I’ll be fighting in France at the end of January (January 30 on the same bill with Anuwat and Bovvy) and in Italy in February and then I want one more fight before I leave Bangkok (for France). I should be fighting at MBK again and maybe next year (2010) I’d like to fight Julie Kitchen again…I don’t know…if I’m ready… but I’d like to do it…yeah my plan is to keep going…

Here is a nice piece on Chantal by Eriveproductions


Изображение победа "хрупкой француженки"...

Chantal Ughi: From Model to Thai Kick Boxing World Champion

Respect. Chantal Ughi is the Thai Kick Boxing Female World Champion. I first met Chantal a couple of years ago when I was spending far too much time at Nublu on Avenue C in the East Village. Nublu was an amazing bar, full of characters and by far and away had more of the best professional musicians hanging out and playing there than any other bar I've been in. The Brazilian Girls started there when some friends began playing together for fun. Chantal used to work as the coat check girl and made videos on the side for Brazilian Girls and various other bands.
This picture was taken the day before yesterday on my rooftop in Little Italy. Chantal got in touch with me two days earlier through Facebook to let me know she was in town. We caught up after the Automatic Loveletter show and agreed that we would finally take some pictures, as we've talked about it for years now, but never had the time. She came around late in the afternoon, during a break in the rain. We went up on the roof and shot some pictures. This was one of them.

Chantal is a truly unique and inspiring over achiever. She was born from a French mother and an Italian father and grew up in Milan, Italy. She studied piano and violin from an early age. She then dropped music and started modeling in Paris, London, Madrid, Milan and Tokyo. She also pursued her passion for acting and photography by going to Acting School and taking photographs.

She moved to Rome and got her first acting role in 'Traveling Companion' which was nominated @ the Cannes International Film Festival. She went on to appear in a large number of movies before studying Shakespeare at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts in London and then moving to NYC, where she starred in the romantic comedy, 'Big Apple'.

Once in NYC, as well as acting she started to focus more on her photography and also directed her first movie, 'La Mia Mano Destra' (My Right Hand) which won 'Best Short' at the Brooklyn International Film Festival. (Brooklyn has an International Film Festival??). Following the success she achieved with that, she made her first documentary, Voices Underground, on the NYC avant-garde music scene. Which is how she ended up at Nublu and singing with a variety of bands, including the Nublu Orchestra, Butch Morris's Chorus Of Poets and In Flagranti Live amongst others.

Tired of NYC, she moved to Thailand to make a documentary on Women Boxing in Chiang Mai jail, but got distracted by training in Muay Thai, which is the toughest of all the martial arts. These people use fists, elbows, feet and knees when they are fighting. (Full disclosure: Chantal and I first bonded because I had already photographed the Lanna Muay Thai Training Camp in Chiang Mai, where she was planning to base herself). In December of 2008, this 5'10" tall woman in her 30's became World Professional MuayThai Federation Champion in the 70Kg Division and in December 2009 she became World MuayThai Association World Champion in the 65 Kg Division.

I am now waiting to see what this remarkable individual does next with her life. To see Chantal fight, check her on youtube here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MCO3D6UENBE. To find out more or about Chantal or get in touch with her, check her myspace page here: http://www.myspace.com/chantalughi.

Today I am listening to the Brazilian Girls doing Jique in a video directed by Chantal: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BWLMQMJFyO8

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СообщениеДобавлено: 21-02-2011, 19:18  
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Круто! :good:

Только она итальянка. :umnik: :D

Alia Russia nobis necessaria est!!!

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Ну и ладно, главное что действительно круто! :good:

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